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Best Raspberry Pi Alternatives for Your Next Single Board Computer Project

    Last Updated on: 15th April 2023, 05:39 pm

    Finding the best Raspberry Pi alternatives can be difficult, but luckily, you’ve found this article. The Raspberry Pi has exploded in popularity over the past few years, and it’s easy to see why; it provides all the capabilities of larger computers at a fraction of the cost, meaning that everyone from students to parents can put together their own custom-built PC without breaking the bank. However, the Raspberry Pi isn’t right for everyone, so we’ve put together this list of five other single-board computers that might be better suited to your needs.


    The Odroid is a great alternative to the Raspberry Pi if you’re looking for something a little more powerful. It’s about twice as fast as the RPi 3 and has twice the RAM. Plus, it comes with a USB 3.0 port, which is great if you need to transfer data quickly.

    The only downside is that it doesn’t have quite as many features as the RPi 3, but it’s still a great option if you’re looking for something a little more powerful.

    Orange Pi

    If you’re looking for the best raspberry pi alternative, the Orange Pi is a great option. It’s a bit cheaper than the raspberry pi, and it has more features. Plus, it’s easier to use and set up.

    However, it doesn’t have as much support as the raspberry pi, so you may have to do some research to figure things out. Overall, the Orange Pi is a great choice for those looking for a top raspberry pi alternative.


    The ODROID-C2 is a great alternative to the Raspberry Pi 3. It’s a bit more expensive, but it’s faster and has more features. Plus, it comes with a free case! If you’re looking for a great single board computer for your next project, the ODROID-C2 is a great option.

    Gigabyte Brix GB-BXA8-5545

    The Gigabyte Brix GB-BXA8-5545 is one of the best raspberry pi alternatives in 2022. It’s a great cheap alternative to the raspberry pi zero, and it’s also a great alternative for NAS. Plus, it has a better processor and more features than the raspberry pi.

    Banana Pi M2M

    The Banana Pi M2M is a great alternative to the Raspberry Pi Zero W if you’re looking for something a bit cheaper. It’s also a good choice if you’re looking for a single-board computer with more processing power and RAM.

    The Banana Pi M2M has 1GB of RAM and an octa-core processor, making it a great choice for projects that require more horsepower than the Raspberry Pi Zero W can provide. If you’re looking for an alternative to the Raspberry Pi 3 B+, the Banana Pi M2M is a great choice.

    It’s not as powerful as the 3 B+, but it’s still a very capable single-board computer. The Banana Pi M2M is also a good choice if you’re looking for an alternative to the Raspberry Pi 4.

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