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Amazon KDP Select | How Amazon KDP Program Works?

    Amazon KDP Select

    Last Updated on: 27th January 2023, 10:32 am

    KDP Select is a program offered by Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) that allows authors and publishers to make their e-books exclusive to the Amazon Kindle platform for a certain period of time.

    This means that during the exclusive period, the e-book cannot be sold or distributed on any other e-book platform, including the author’s or publisher’s own website.

    How KDP Select Works with Amazon Kindle

    To participate in KDP Select, authors and publishers must enroll their e-books in the program. Once enrolled, the e-book will be available for purchase and download exclusively on the Amazon Kindle platform for a period of 90 days.

    After the 90-day period, authors and publishers can choose to renew their enrollment or make the e-book available on other platforms.

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    Benefits of Using KDP Select

    There are several benefits to using KDP Select, including the ability to run free promotions, participate in the KDP Select Global Fund, and access to the Kindle Unlimited and Kindle Owners’ Lending Library.

    Free promotions allow authors and publishers to offer their e-books for free for up to 5 days, which can help increase visibility and sales.

    The KDP Select Global Fund is a pool of money that is divided among authors and publishers whose e-books are borrowed through Kindle Unlimited and the Kindle Owners’ Lending Library.

    Eligibility and Enrollment in KDP Select

    To enroll in KDP Select, you must have a valid KDP account and your book must meet the KDP Select Content Guidelines.

    You can enroll or re-enroll your book into the program at any time, but once enrolled, you will be committed to 90 days of exclusivity.

    When your book is enrolled in KDP Select, you can offer it for free to readers for up to five days during each 90-day enrollment period.

    This can help attract new readers and increase visibility and sales. You can schedule your free promotion in advance or start it right away.

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    KDP Select Global Fund and Royalty Distribution

    The KDP Select Global Fund is a pool of money that is divided among authors and publishers whose e-books are borrowed through Kindle Unlimited and the Kindle Owners’ Lending Library.

    The amount of money an author or publisher earns is based on the number of borrows their e-book receives. The royalty distribution is based on the number of borrowers, not on the number of pages read.

    If you do not want to enroll your book in KDP Select, you can still publish your book on Amazon Kindle through KDP. This will allow you to make your e-book available on other platforms, such as Apple Books, Nook, and Kobo.

    Frequently Asked Questions about KDP Select and Amazon Kindle

    Authors and publishers may have various questions about KDP Select and Amazon Kindle. Some common questions include how to enroll in KDP Select, how to run a free promotion, and how the KDP Select Global Fund works.

    Amazon provides detailed information and support on its website to help authors and publishers navigate the program.

    How do I enroll my book in KDP Select?

    To enroll your book in KDP Select, you need to have a valid KDP account. Once you log in, you can go to your Bookshelf and select the book you want to enroll. Then click on the “Promote and Advertise” button and select “KDP Select.” You will be prompted to agree to the terms and conditions of the program before your book is enrolled.

    Can I enroll my book in KDP Select if it’s already available on other platforms?

    No, once you enroll your book in KDP Select, it must be exclusive to the Amazon Kindle platform for the duration of the enrollment period. If your book is already available on other platforms, you will need to remove it before enrolling in KDP Select.

    What happens if I don’t renew my enrollment in KDP Select?

    If you do not renew your enrollment in KDP Select, your book will no longer be exclusive to the Amazon Kindle platform.

    You will be able to make it available on other platforms, such as Apple Books, Nook, and Kobo.

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    Can I run a free promotion for my book while it’s enrolled in KDP Select?

    Yes, while your book is enrolled in KDP Select, you can run a free promotion for up to 5 days during each 90-day enrollment period. This can help increase visibility and sales.

    How do I know how many borrows my book has received through Kindle Unlimited and the Kindle Owners’ Lending Library?

    You can view the borrows for your book in your KDP account. Go to your Bookshelf, select the book you want to view the borrows for, and click on the “Reports” tab.

    From there, you can view the borrows for the current month as well as for previous months.

    How is the KDP Select Global Fund divided among authors and publishers?

    The KDP Select Global Fund is divided among authors and publishers based on the number of borrows their books receive through Kindle Unlimited and the Kindle Owners’ Lending Library.

    The exact formula for determining the distribution of the fund is not publicly disclosed by Amazon, but it takes into account the total number of borrows as well as other factors such as region and language.

    Can I opt out of the KDP Select Global Fund?

    No, you cannot opt out of the KDP Select Global Fund. Participation in the fund is automatic for all books enrolled in KDP Select.

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