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What is Ethical Hacking And Cyber Security?

    Last Updated on: 15th April 2023, 05:39 pm

    Hacking is a term that can be used to describe both cyber security and ethical hacking. The key difference between the two is that cyber security is about protecting your data from others, while ethical hacking involves penetrating other people’s computers to find vulnerabilities that can be exploited for good reasons.

    Ethical Hacking is The Process of Trying To Gain Access To Your Computer System for Ethical Reasons.

    Ethical hacking is the process of trying to gain access to your computer system for ethical reasons.

    Ethical hackers are also known as white hats, who do not use their skills to attack networks and systems in order to compromise them but rather help organizations protect themselves from attackers.

    The term “white hat” comes from military terminology, where it refers to those soldiers who wear their uniforms without being members of that particular branch of service.

    In this context, it means someone who acts in good faith and with integrity—and thus might be seen as a person worthy of respect or trust by others (i.e., your company).

    Another common name for an ethical hacker is “ethical security consultant.” These professionals will often provide consultancy services such as vulnerability assessment and penetration testing (testing against vulnerabilities) before suggesting solutions or contributing code patches back into open source projects

    Cyber Security And Ethical Hacking are Considered Synonymous With Each Other.

    You may have heard the terms ethical hacking and cyber security used interchangeably. But what exactly is the difference between these terms? Well, ethical hacking is a tool that can be used to improve your cyber security.

    It’s also sometimes called penetration testing or vulnerability assessment.

    Ethical hackers use their skills, knowledge, and experience to test the security of a computer system or network by trying different things out on it—like breaking into it!

    They do this because they want to make sure that no one else gets hurt as a result of their actions (or lack thereof).

    Ethical Hacking is A Tool That Can Be Used To Improve Cyber Security.

    Ethical hacking is a tool that can be used to improve cyber security. It’s not the same as cybercrime, and it’s not malicious.

    Ethical hackers are professionals who use their skills to find weaknesses in systems and networks, then report these issues so they can be fixed before criminals take advantage of them.

    Ethical hacking is a process—it involves many different skillsets, including computer science and software development; communication; psychology; negotiation; cryptography; reporting/researching information online (e.g., searching for websites); social engineering (the manipulation of people’s emotions or actions through deception)


    The best way to develop your understanding of how hacking works is to get involved in the process yourself. The most effective way to do this is by joining a hacking group or club that shares your interests and can help you learn more about ethical hacking.

    We hope this guide has given you some insight into what ethical hacking entails, as well as why it’s important for everyone who uses computers on a daily basis.

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