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What is a Heat Sink ?

    Heat Sink

    A heat sink is a Metal that includes a few different ways to keep a hot component, which includes a processor, cooled down. 

    There are two types of the heat sink. Active heat sink and passive heat sink

    Active heat sink

    Active heat sinks utilize the PC’s power supply and might consist of a fan. Every so often these styles of heat sinks are called a JSG, which is a short form of heat sink and fan. There also are liquid cooling systems, which have become more famous in recent years.

    Passive heat sink

    Passive heat sinks are those that have no mechanical components. Consequently, they are 100% reliable. Passive heat sinks are manufactured from an aluminum finned radiator that dissipates warmness by convection. For passive heat sinks to work to their complete potential, there ought to be a constant airflow transferring throughout the fins.
    Passive has one more type that’s heat spreaders.

    Heat spreaders

    Heat spreaders are any other sort of passive heat sink which is used to help spread out the heat produced by ram modules.

    Devices that use heat sink in computer

    The additives that generate the maximum heat for your pc are the CPU (central processing unit), graphics card (if you have one), and the power supply. They continually have a few cooling, generally a fan. Different components that can have a heat sink consist of the northbridge, southbridge, and memory. 
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