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How to uninstall Visual Studio Code in Windows 10?

    uninstall visual studio code completely

    Solve the vs code uninstall problems completely.

    Microsoft Visual Studio Code (Vs Code)

    Visual Studio Code is the most popular IDE for programming languages. You can install different extensions in Visual Studio Code for your programming purpose. But if you are a Programmer then Visual Studio is the best option to use.

    There are many articles on Google about Visual Studio Code you can know better than this. Here we will delete Visual Studio Code Completely.

    Our problem here is to remove and delete Microsoft Visual Studio Code completely with all extensions. You will delete every single extension and can start with a fresh Visual Studio Code.

    This is the most powerful IDE by Microsoft.

    How to Uninstall Visual Studio Code

    You are reading this article because you faced the problem of removing all settings and extensions in Visual Studio Code. If you have a problem removing or uninstalling completely visual Studio Code on Windows 10.

    Here is the simple way to delete Microsoft Visual Studio Code with all the Settings and Extensions. 

    Some of the settings are very annoying or you need a new/freshly installed Visual Studio Code. This is a simple and easy method to remove VS code completely on your system.

    Follow the instructions to Delete VS Code:

    • Find the location C: Users\Shah907\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft\ VS Code Insiders.
    • Click on “unins000.exe” and open it to uninstall.
    • Now find  C:\Users\Shah907  and delete the ” .vscode-insiders ” folder.
    • Now delete “ Code – Insiders ” in location  ” C:\Users\Shah907\AppData\Roaming “.
    • All done
    • Now Reinstall the Visual Studio Code again.

      I hope this will help you to delete the VS Code and if you have any problem then we have a video below that will help you more.  


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