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Why Google AdSense Earnings Separated

    Google Adsense Earnings Separated (Youtube & Site) . Google AdSense is a program that allows websites to display ads on their pages. The ads are displayed based on the content of your website and the number of visitors you get to your site. The way Google AdSense works is that once you sign up for it, they will send you an email with instructions about how to start earning money through their system. There are two ways in which this can happen:

    Hello Friends!

    Hello friends! I am a student and I want to tell you why the Google AdSense earnings become separated.

    The main reason for this separation is that when you start earning money on YouTube or Google AdSense, your earnings will be divided between both platforms. If your channel has more than 5 thousand views per month, then you can claim the money from YouTube and keep it with yourself; but if not, then only some portion of the revenue will be shared with Google AdSense.

    When I was starting off with my videos on YouTube, I didn’t have too much traffic yet so most of my earnings came from affiliates that were paid by advertisers rather than from AdSense itself (which means these affiliate sites would need special approval before posting their links). But after some time when my channel grew bigger than what it used to be in earlier days – when people started watching these more frequently those videos – then there was no way back even though we kept adding new content regularly but still couldn’t reach those numbers again because our traffic used off during some periods due reasons like holidays, etc., hence losing out on potential commissions earned during these times.

    read also: How to sell NFTs.

    Today I’m going to tell you why the Google AdSense earnings become separated.

    Today I’m going to tell you why the Google AdSense earnings become separated.

    Google AdSense is a program where advertisers can pay for ads on your website, which are displayed when someone visits your site. You make money when someone clicks on an ad and then makes a purchase from your store or makes a donation to your charity.

    The way it works is that there are two different accounts associated with each other: one account belongs to YouTube and one belongs to Google AdSense (the latter has been created after YouTube was launched). The same email address and password were used in both cases; this means that if one of them gets hacked or compromised somehow, so does the other one!

    When I was starting to use AdSense then I saw that a lot of my earnings were being separated from YouTube and AdSense.

    When I was starting to use AdSense then I saw that a lot of my earnings were being separated from YouTube and AdSense.

    I thought at first, how do they do this? And why are they doing it? So I decided to find out what exactly is happening with my earnings and how it works.

    At that time, I thought that YouTube’s earnings will be paid by YouTube only, and AdSense will be paid by Google Adsense.

    At that time, I thought that YouTube’s earnings will be paid by YouTube only, and AdSense will be paid by Google Adsense. But it’s not like that; you have to claim your earnings on both platforms separately. If you don’t claim your Google AdSense earnings before the deadline, they won’t be credited to your account anymore.

    You can claim both of them from your account (you have to sign in to each one separately) or download an app called “My Account” which is available for Android users only.

    And because of this thinking, I did not even pay attention to it. Till the last date of earning (1 January 2020), I did not even care about any of these things.

    You are not alone. Most people make the same mistake and do not even care about it till their last day of earning (1 January 2020).

    The solution is easy to implement, remember and understand. The solution is so simple that even a child can apply it!

    After 1 January 2020, when I checked my account, then I got to know that due to this mistake, a lot of my earnings have been lost.

    You can check your earnings in the Google AdSense account, YouTube account and AdSense account.

    So whenever you sign up for a Google AdSense account through YouTube or any other way, and you are getting both accounts, in such a situation do not let your account separate at all.

    So whenever you sign up for a Google AdSense account through YouTube or any other way, and you are getting both accounts, in such a situation do not let your account separate at all. Because when it happens then it will be very difficult for your business to earn money and this can lead to loss of money in future.

    So if you want to earn more money then do not let your Google AdSense account separate at all because it might affect your earnings.

    Don’t let your accounts separate

    If you are running multiple AdSense accounts, it’s important to keep them separate. If a client or publisher separates their account from the main Google+ site and uses it as an independent site, then this means that they can’t use that same ad network on other websites. They will need to create two different campaigns for each URL using their own account and settings.

    The only exception is if you have a large number of pages in one domain name—for example, if you have many blogs with AdSense integration built-in—then perhaps this isn’t necessary because it will make more sense for those domains all being run from one account rather than having separate ones (and thus spending money). However, this is something that needs careful consideration before going ahead because each setup may require different costs depending on how many sites there are involved, etc.


    So, in this article, I have told you about why the Google AdSense earnings become separated. If you follow all these things and try to avoid them, then your account can be saved. So whenever someone asks you about these things, do not hide anything from them.

    See the Email From the Google.

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