Last Updated on: 26th October 2022, 02:26 pm
The Amazon marketplace is a very competitive and crowded place. In fact, in the first quarter of 2019, Amazon was responsible for a whopping 44% of all U.S. e-commerce sales.
And while this number may seem overwhelming, it’s important to keep in mind that the vast majority of these sales are made through third-party sellers using your brand name or listing title as their own.
If you don’t have the proper protection in place for your brand (and products), there’s a good chance someone else will be selling them on Amazon under your name and trademarked term—just like they did with me and many others!
Preventing The Sale of Knock-Off Products
It’s important to know how to spot a counterfeit product and report it. The best way to prevent counterfeiting is by following these tips:
- Look for signs of copying. A manufacturer that copies another company’s products might use the same logo and packaging, but may not be able to compete with its competition on quality or price.
- Check your supplier’s reputation before buying from them again—or at least ask if they’ve been sued in the past for similar claims against them! If you’re concerned about possible legal action due to copyright infringement or trademark violation, be sure that your product isn’t going up against any of these cases before sending it out into the world (or keeping it secure at home).
Register your brand
To protect your brand, register with Amazon. This can be done through the Amazon Brand Registry or by directly registering in their trademark database.
Amazon Brand Registry is free and easy to use, but it takes time for the brand to be registered in the system (it takes weeks).
Once you’ve submitted all of the necessary information and gotten approval from Amazon, they’ll let you know that your listing has been approved!
Use the “Buy Box”
The “Buy Box” is the most important place on your product page, and it’s where you should be placing your products.
This is where customers are supposed to buy your item directly from Amazon, so make sure that they can find it easily by having their name or email address in this space.
The “Buy Box” is also a great place for promoting affiliate links—that way if someone clicks through one of them (and they’re eligible), they’ll go back to Amazon and buy something from you as well!
Sell Directly to Customers
If you have an e-commerce website, it’s easy to sell on Amazon. You can also use Amazon FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon), which is a service that enables third-party sellers to fulfill orders from their own websites and stores without doing any inventory management or shipping themselves.
If you don’t currently have an eCommerce business but are interested in selling on the platform, we recommend using FBA because it will save time and money for both parties involved in this transaction—you get the benefits of having one less step between your listings and customers at little cost compared with other platforms like Shopify or BigCommerce;
Amazon takes care of storing all product data in its database so that when someone searches through their search engine results page (SERP), they see only those products listed under this program rather than having several pages full of irrelevant information like other websites might feature if everyone used them instead!).
Listing Hijacking
Listing hijacking is when someone copies your listing and tries to sell it on their own site. It can happen to anyone, whether you’re hosting your own listings or not. If this happens to you, here are some ways to prevent it from happening again:
- Make sure that only people who have been verified by Amazon know about your listings—and only then share with them via email or message boards (like Facebook groups).
- Make sure that all emails sent out are followed up with an email containing a link back to where they came from (for example, if someone asks how they can become an author on Amazon but never follows up with another communication).
- Request feedback from visitors who see something fishy going on; if they don’t respond within two weeks of requesting feedback then consider blocking them permanently until such time as they do so (this will help avoid future instances).
Account Hacking or Hijacking
If your Amazon account is hijacked, there are a few things you can do to help recover it. First, contact Amazon Customer Service and request a new password and PIN.
Once they’ve sent out an email with instructions on how to reset your password and confirm your identity, follow their instructions carefully so that no one else will be able to access the stolen information in your account.
If this doesn’t work or if there’s still no sign of activity on the account after 2 weeks (or whatever time period they give), then contact customer support again—this time ask them if they can regain access via telephone or chat with their representative directly over video chat instead of emailing them back-and-forth through their website.
This will allow them more freedom while maintaining security measures at all times!
Amazon FBA Hijacking
Hijacking is when a seller takes over your listing. This can be done by competitors, or even Amazon itself!
To prevent hijacking, you need to make sure that you have good ownership and control of your products. Here’s how:
- Set up FBA shipping options (which we’ll cover later in this guide).
- Add only authorized sellers as affiliates—this will protect against hijackers who are trying to sell the same product as you but under their own brand name instead of yours!
You And Your Product Are Vulnerable To Being Copied or Hijacked. You Need To Be Aware Of It And Take Preventative Measures.
You and your product are vulnerable to being copied or hijacked. You need to be aware of it and take preventative measures.
- Protect your brand and product – This can be done by using a trademark, copyright or patent. For example, if you have developed a new kind of cocoa powder that is unique in taste and quality, then use trademarks to protect this new product from being copied by others who might try to sell it without your permission. The same goes for copyrights; if someone tries to copy something you’ve written or created but fails because there’s not enough protection around it (e.,g., using only partial text), then they’ll automatically lose any legal ground against anyone else doing something similar under the same circumstances—including Amazon FBA sellers!
The Amazon Brand Registry is an easy way to protect your business from the threat of “Amazon FBA hijacking.” You can use it to register your brand and prevent other sellers from selling unauthorized copies of your product. You can also use it as a tool to monitor any sales that happen on Amazon by adding your account number into the system so that you know when something suspicious happens.